Dissociative Identity Disorder: Insights from 26 Years of Practice
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a complex mental health condition linked to severe childhood trauma. It involves the presence of two or more distinct personalities, each with unique behaviors and memories, as a coping mechanism to manage overwhelming experiences.
Set Achievable New Year’s Resolutions for Your Mental Health
As the New Year approaches, many of us feel...
Prioritizing Your Mental Health During the Holidays
The holiday season is meant to be joyful, but for many, it can be an incredibly difficult time for our mental health. Grief, stress, and complicated family dynamics can make it hard to feel the happiness we think we’re supposed to have. If you’re struggling with the loss of a loved one, dealing with challenges at home, or just feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone.
Treat Your Mind, Body, and Spirit to Improve Mental Health
Working towards being healthy or being in recovery from a substance or behavioral addiction involves treating the mind, body, and spirit everyday.
The Unscientific Stages of Surviving a Hurricane
Living through and surviving a hurricane can be a traumatic experience. These are the unscientific stages I have witnessed during six storms in St Augustine, FL.
Resiliency is the Journey to Bounce Back From Stressful Situations
Resilience is not something you either have or don’t have—it’s a skill you can cultivate over time. By working on relaxation techniques, reframing negative thoughts, and surrounding yourself with a strong support system, you can strengthen your resilience and become better equipped to handle life’s inevitable ups and downs.
What To Expect When You begin Mental Health Counseling
Often times a perspective new client will call...
Exercise For Your Mental Health, Happiness, and Quality of Life
“I don’t want to take an antidepressant, “ is something I hear often in my office. I agree with this. When I see people who are moderately depressed or anxious but don’t want to take a medication to treat it, I highly recommend working on healthier lifestyle with exercise being a key ingredient.
I Challenge you to try Meditation for your Mental Health!
Have you head that meditating can be beneficial for you? For years I also heard this but was skeptical. My family has a history of anxiety. My Mom has it, my brother has it, and my daughter has it. So why wouldn’t I also have it? I do. I’ve experienced anxiety off and on for years. Yes, because I am a mental health counselor I should know how to manage it and have found different things that work for me over the years. But, what I have found works best to manage my anxiety is meditation!
How To Support a Friend or Loved One Who is Struggling With Mental Health
When a friend is struggling with mental health issues, it can be challenging to know how to offer support. We often want to help but worry about saying or doing the wrong thing. However, having a supportive friend can make a significant difference in their journey. So, how can you best support a friend during this difficult time?
Holistic Mental Health Counseling: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit Daily
When I work with clients in mental health counseling, I emphasize the importance of nurturing the mind, body, and spirit every day. But what does this truly mean? It’s about recognizing that our well-being isn’t solely dependent on physical health; mental and spiritual health play equally vital roles.
Could This Be An Affair? Emotional Affairs
I often hear that one in a couple is talking to someone, through texts, and the partner doesn’t know about it. This is called an emotional affair.
Are you feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or stuck in life's challenges?
Contact me today to schedule your first appointment and start your journey towards healing and growth. Your brighter tomorrow starts now.