There are three basic categories of Eating Disorders; Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating Disorder. There are also some subcategories of these disorders.
An individual who suffers with Anorexia will restrict food intake and refuse to maintain a normal body weight. These individuals are terrified of gaining weight and spend most of their time thinking about how to avoid calorie intake.
Individuals who suffer with Bulimia have binge eating episodes during which the individual eats an excessive amount of food in a short amount of time. This is then followed by trying to compensate for the high number of calories consumed by purging. Purging can be by vomiting, laxatives, compulsive exercise, enemas, or diuretics.
An individual with an eating disorder has social difficulty with peers, partners, and family because this individual is in a serious relationship with ED (their eating disorder). This individual may think about eating or not eating up to 90% of the time making them unavailable to others in their life.
Treatment for eating disorders is available through outpatient therapy, intensive outpatient programs, and residential programs. Treatment will focus on reestablishing health and identifying the root causes of the eating disorder. Effective treatment will also involve the family who has been effected by the eating disorder. Coexisting disorders may include anxiety and depression.
If you know someone suffering help them to get help.
Melissa Muller is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in St. Augustine, FL. Melissa works with families, adolescents, couples and individuals. Melissa has specializations in treating adolescents, eating disorders, trauma, and sexual addictions. In addition she enjoys working with the LGBT community. She often works with families in the crisis of divorce to make the transition as healthy as possible for both the children and the adults in the family.
Call or Contact Me for your appointment today (904) 770-7587
Great post! and incredible blog ! Very helpful post! I must say. Simple & interesting. Wonderful work!
My aunt has noticed that her son has a hard time eating with the family, and doesn’t like to come out of his room anymore. She has been wondering if he has an eating disorder, and wants to encourage him to get some help if he does. I’ll be sure to tell her about how some treatments can be more effective when it includes the family, so she will be able to help him.
Happy it helped.
Thank you for pointing out that people with bulimia experience episodes of binge eating during which they consume a lot of food quickly. My sister consumes huge amounts of food quickly. I’ll advise her to seek out services for eating disorder treatment.
Happy it helped!
Thanks for sharing. I really appreciate it that you shared with us such informative post, great tips and very easy to understand.
You are welcome.