This is an easy to do, Fundamental Self Care plan, which can be easily implemented and followed daily. By completing each of these tasks, daily, you will help yourself to maintain a positive, mindful, and present focus.
Your Daily Routine
Think of a positive affirmation for yourself. Examples: “I am a strong woman/man.” “I can achieve great things.” “I am beautiful inside and out.” “I have the skills to be healthy.” Say this, 10 times, 10 times a day. This will help forge new, positive neuropathways in your brain.
Gratitude List:
Everyday, for a month, list three things you are grateful for. During the month you cannot re-use any items you have already listed. List them in a notebook so when you feel down you can read them to yourself.
for five to ten minutes, daily.
or pray daily.
Aerobic exercise:
30 to 60 minutes, daily.
something positive or something to forward you knowledge, everyday.
Be Kind:
Tell one person something you appreciate about them, daily.
Melissa Muller is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in St. Augustine, FL. Melissa works with families, adolescents, couples and individuals. Melissa has specializations in treating adolescents, eating disorders, trauma, and sexual addictions. In addition she enjoys working with the LGBT community. She often works with families in the crisis of divorce to make the transition as healthy as possible for both the children and the adults in the family.
Call or Contact Me for your appointment today (904) 770-7587.