I am often asked if I work with couples.  I do indeed and I enjoy it!  I work with all types of couples at various stages of difficulties or couples who simply want to strengthen their relationship.  There are many presenting reasons couples arrive at my office.

Issues that may be affecting the couple:

·         Constant arguing,
·         Infidelity in the relationship,
·         Loss and grief,
·         Considering separating,
·         Sexual issues, and/or
·         Stage of life crisis.

Sometimes, but not often, I get a couple who comes in seeking premarital counseling. These couples are fun to work with because they are excited for their new venture.

My process

I try to meet the couple at their level of conflict and dive in with them into the process of healing or growing together.  The couple is always the client, not either individual.  I work towards the betterment of the relationship, hopefully, they do too.
When a couple is in my office it is imperative that they both work hard to improve their relationship.  Things we may work on together include:
·         Communication,
·         Strengthening the relationship,
·         Problem solving,
·         Resolving conflict, and/or
·         Developing deeper intimacy.

I often give some homework between sessions.  One assignment is from the book by Gary Chapman, The Five Love Languages.  This is a wonderful, easy to read book. The book explains ways we each want to give and receive love.  It is an easy read and may help you and your partner figure out how to keep each other’s love tanks full!  Try this on your own!

It is important to remember that all relationships are hard work and reaching out for help can be a positive.  Contact me today to schedule and appointment.