I work a lot with couples in my office doing couple’s counseling, in St Augustine , Fl. or virtually. One of the most effective tools I’ve seen help get couple’s on the same page is the “Couple’s Meeting.” The meeting is as it sounds, a weekly meeting for the couple to share their appreciation for each other, the upcoming calendar, finances, and any relationship issues that need to be discussed. This can be a structured meeting, with the same outline every week or more loosey-goosey and free flowing meeting.
Couple’s Counseling
When a new couple calls me I explain that the first session is always an intake session. During this session I gather information, and ask lot of questions of each member of the relationship. At the end of the session, I give some feedback as to what I think the issues are and ways I may be able to work with the couple.
There are a few types of major issues I see. Often times couples carry problems from their childhoods or their past ways of relating to others into the present relationship. If the family of origin was dysfunctional individuals may carry that dysfunction into their present relationships. During the initial session I look to see if the present problems relate to past issues. If this is the case I may recommend some individual therapy along with the couple’s counseling or work in couple’s counseling on these dysfunctional patterns.
In the case that I do not see any issues from the past contributing to problems in the present, I may recommend some simple communication exercises, or some other form of skills development to improve the relationship.

The Couple’s Meeting

You can follow this outline or use your own. I suggest these meetings take place weekly but if that can’t happen as often as you can make them happen is great!
I have had couples tell me that these meetings have greatly improved the relationship and they were happy to learn a basic skill to incorporate into the relationship. If you are using these meetings, continue! If you don’t have couple’s meetings implemented I suggest trying one this week!
In Kindness,