Have you head that meditating can be beneficial for you? For years I also heard this but was skeptical. My family has a history of anxiety. My Mom has it, my brother has it, and my daughter has it. So why wouldn’t I also have it? I do. I’ve experienced anxiety off and on for years. Yes, because I am a mental health counselor I should know how to manage it and have found different things that work for me over the years. But, what I have found works best to manage my anxiety is meditation!
My Meditation Journey
I learned to meditate in yoga. I began practicing yoga 10 years ago. For those of you who aren’t familiar with yoga, at the end of each class, there is something called Shavasana or corpse pose (how morbid). It is a pose where you lay on your back, spread eagle, arms wide and open. You are supposed to completely relax while in the pose, just be at peace and have a clear mind. Sounds easy right? In the beginning I didn’t get it. I laid there and let my thoughts go wild. I though of so many things while laying in Shavasana, including what to make for dinner complete with grocery list. One day, it hit me! I was supposed to check out or free my brain from all those thoughts for as long as the Shavasana went on. I tried and tried and tried until one day, I checked out! I had cleared my thoughts and was laying there in peace! I had learned to meditate!

Next I began to use an app that had guided meditation. There are two good ones I recommend: Calm and Insight Timer. Both allow you to pick an amount of time and a topic such as meditation for anxiety or meditation for sleep. By using these apps I worked harder on trying to get this meditation thing down and one day I realized, I could meditate!
Following this I read some studies that talked about the benefits of meditating. Apparently, it helps:
- Reduce anxiety
- Helps reduce stress levels
- Reduces negative self-talk
- Improves mental health
- Improves focus
- Brings you into the present moment

What exactly is meditation?
Meditation is an ancient practice that is thought to have originated in India several thousands of years ago. It then spread to neighboring countries and became a part of different religions. Today it continues to be practiced as part of different religions and has also become a practice for mental health, exercise, spirituality, and mindfulness.
Meditation helps the brain shift from high alert states, such as in PTSD and anxiety, to calmer more relaxed brain states that promote rest, peace, and a sense of calm. Once in this brain state we can sleep better, focus more clearly, and be more present in life.
The practice of meditation actually trains the mind to focus, concentrate and redirect our thoughts! How cool is that?
Through my yoga practice, I discovered how powerful meditation can be, not just for managing anxiety but for overall mental health. If you’re struggling with stress, worry, or anxiety, or simply want to find more peace and presence in your daily life, I encourage you to give meditation a try—it may just change everything!
Want to learn additional tools to help you manage your stress and anxiety? Contact me to schedule your first appointment and start your healing journey.
In Kindness,