Are You A Resilient Person?
The Oxford Dictionary definition of resilience is: “The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties”. Resiliency is the ability to cope when life is hard. Resiliency is important because it can help people recover from trauma and difficult situations. Resiliency can help mitigate the after effects of traumatic situations such as anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Resilient people are more equipped to deal with the hardships we all face in life. Do you have resiliency? The good news is that if you don’t think you are a resilient person you can work on and build it!
I have lived through the devastation of a hurricane. I lost all of my belongings, except for my clothes. It was a horrific experience. Although it took a bit of time I do think I recovered as well and as fast as I could have because I have worked on building my resiliency over my lifetime. I had a good support system and I used it. Although this situation was traumatic, I lived through it and am on the other side feeling healthy.
When life throws you a curve ball and you are resilient you still experience and feel all of the emotions such as anger, sadness, and feeling overwhelmed but with resiliency you are able to keep moving forward because your ability to respond to crises and stressful situations is higher when you are resilient. When you are resilient you are more able to bounce back after experiencing life’s challenges.

Some factors that have been shown to promote higher levels of resiliency are; being older and having experienced more of life, having a strong self-identify and self confidence, and having a strong support system.
Characteristics People with Resiliency May Have
- The ability to manage strong emotions.
- Not residing in victim mentality.
- Having the ability to reframe negative thoughts.
- Being able to understand and focus on what is in your control.
Resiliency can develop in childhood with easy-going temperaments combined with a good support system. Resiliency can also be learned and developed.
Ways that resiliency can be developed
What You Can Work On To Build Resilience
- By learning and practicing relaxation techniques resiliency can be built.
- When something fails ask yourself how you will handle it differently next time instead of asking yourself why bad things happen to you.
- Look at your thought patterns and work on reframing the negative thoughts to positive ones.
- Work on building better self confidence.
- Develop a good support system you can call on as needed.
- Practice self-care.
- Reach out to a mental health professional for assistance in becoming a resilient person.
Resilience is not something you either have or don’t have—it’s a skill you can cultivate over time. By working on relaxation techniques, reframing negative thoughts, and surrounding yourself with a strong support system, you can strengthen your resilience and become better equipped to handle life’s inevitable ups and downs. If you’re finding it challenging to build resilience on your own, consider reaching out to a mental health professional who can guide you on your journey to becoming a more resilient person. Contact me today to schedule your first appointment.
In Kindness,